Investintech – CAJ Journalism Scholarship Winner Is Announced!

Journalism Scholarship

Since the Investintech – CAJ Journalism Scholarship first launched in November, we’ve been on the lookout for data journalism submissions with the potential to drive the next generation of journalists. 

And after nearly six months of waiting, we were finally able to sit down with the submissions and the Selection Jury to start picking out a winner. Thanks to their time and expertise in evaluating the entries, they were able to select a strong candidate for the scholarship.

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Investintech Announces Launch Of Annual Data Journalism Scholarship

University Student In Library

Due to the impact of COVID-19 on schools and students, we will be extending the scholarship deadline to May 1st, 2020. the free pass prize to the annual CAJ conference will not be offered this year as the conference for 2020 has been cancelled.There are currently no virtual conference alternatives or substitution prizes available.

If you’re a student who just started your major in journalism, or have already been doing journalistic work for a school paper, we’ve got some exciting news that you’ll enjoy.

We’re proud to announce today the launch of our new annual Investintech – CAJ Data Journalism Scholarship!

Partnering with the Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ), a major journalism organization that supports and encourages excellence in journalism across Canada, our aim is to help the future generation of journalists like you.

We know that Able2Extract is being used by data journalists to extract PDF data into Excel spreadsheets for analysis. Their ultimate goal? To write news stories that are backed by accurate and credible data.

In this day and age of fake news, though, this level of credibility can be undermined. As such, there is a growing call for journalists to dig deeper into large amounts of digital data and analysis.

This takes skill training, time, and money–all of which can work against you as you continue to work and study your way into the industry.

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What Users Can Learn About EULAs From Adobe

I agree check box

In a controversial move last month, Adobe announced a warning that any Creative Cloud subscribers using older versions of the apps is liable to get sued by third parties.

According to news stories, the reason seems to be due to legal issues between Adobe and Dolby Labs. In short, there are claims that Adobe included Dolby technology in software and subscription packages without paying the appropriate royalties. As a result, Adobe’s users are no longer licensed to use the infringing software.

This incident underscores some major points about users, software apps, and End User License Agreements (EULAs) that connect them, which deserve some attention.

As a software user, it’s important to think about what it means to your usage and ownership of the tools you use.

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Top 8 Tools To Fact Check Your Research

Fact checking online research information

The Internet is everyone’s main source of information. People perform online searches all the time. One disadvantage of the Internet, though, is how easy it is to publish wrong information.

With fake news getting the spotlight in the past few years, we’ve been forced to be even more vigilant about how credible the information we’re reading about or writing on actually is. However, it’s also forcing us as readers to personally take an active part in learning how to read critically and how to do proper research.

The following list of tools (in no particular order) will help you fact-check your online research, whether it be a video, an image or an article. These tools will help you tell the difference between fact and fiction.

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4 Tips On How To Achieve A Work-Life Balance


It’s hard to miss the growing work-life balance trend. It’s almost an obsession that we’ve gradually developed– and it isn’t a surprise. Technology has effectively blurred the line between one’s personal life and work life.

While technology has made work and life easier, the resulting side effect, according to Stats Canada, is that technology has actually made workers less happy. When it’s easy to access work documents and colleagues online with a simple browser, it allows us to willingly invite our full-time day jobs into our personal life.

This isn’t new, but add to this the ability to work from home, wifi hotspots that allow us to check emails, and trends in creative and laid back work environments, it just becomes easier and easier to keep working.

If you’re looking to take charge and shift things around a bit, we’ve got 4 quick tips on how to go about getting your work-life balance in check.  

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