Year-end offer: Save 50% on Able2Extract Professional single license purchases before December 31!

Able2Extract Professional 11–The Only PDF Tool You’ll Ever Need


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It’s been over a week since we launched Able2Extract Professional 11 and we hope you’re all enjoying the latest features and the boost in productivity.

As you may have noticed during this year’s launch, Able2Extract Professional is the only tool we’ve upgraded. And no, we didn’t forget to upgrade the Standard version.  In fact, we decided that, in order to give you the best in PDF conversion technology, we’re now focusing solely on Able2Extract Professional.

The Standard version has been an Investintech staple from the very early days, but we believe that providing you with one tool is, by far, a more effective solution to getting your PDF tasks done.   

In other words, this change means giving you a product that allows you to do every PDF task you need without having to resort to another tool. As a result, you get a complete out-of-the-box PDF user experience.

OCR Conversion Results

On top of PDF editing, annotation and redaction, as well as upgraded PDF security features, you now get the added bonus of scanned PDF conversion. You can integrate hard copy documents into your digital workflow seamlessly.

There are a few details to note with this change, though.  

Save More With Discounted Upgrades

As a licensed user of a prior version, you are entitled to a significantly discounted upgrade to our all-new Able2Extract Professional 11.

Upgrades from all Able2Extract Standard versions to Able2Extract Professional 11 is only $49.50.  You don’t need to pay full price to get the new version and the latest features.   

Get More From Technical And Customer Support

In addition, we encourage everyone to join our  Software Advantage Plan for complete, uninterrupted and upgraded support when making the transition.  It costs only $39.95 for a yearly subscription for front-of-the-line support on your most pressing issues and questions.

Plus, there are other VIP member perks to enjoy:

  • Free access to all minor products updates and major upgrade
  • Exclusive access to new, unreleased product builds
  • A personalized web portal
  • Special volume discounts

This is a major change, but it’s a positive one. The goal: to make your Investintech experience better than ever.  If you haven’t checked out Able2Extract Professional 11 yet, you can try it free for 7-days.

Investintech Launches Able2Extract Professional 11

Get ready to see some drastic changes in how you work with PDF documents because we just released Able2Extract Professional 11 and this version is big on boosting your PDF productivity.

Able2Extract Professional 11

This latest version is aimed at making editing PDFs a simple task. Here’s a look at how the new and improved Able2Extract Professional can make PDF tasks go faster, smoother and easier.  

Annotate PDF Pages While Viewing Them

If you review PDFs on a daily basis, you’ll love this new addition. You can now freely annotate your PDF documents as you go. This feature lets you mark up PDF text as you would with any hard copy document.

You can digitally add new sticky notes, links, stamps, highlights, underlines, squiggly lines, strikeouts, carets, attachments and watermarks:

PDF Annotations Panel

Whether you’re performing PDF research or adding comments on a collaborative document, you can ensure that your notes and markup stay on the page.  

In addition, if you’re working with PDFs that are being sent around to team members, you can interact, review and post replies to any existing PDF comments.

Permanently Delete Sensitive PDF Data

While PDF files are meant to make your content universally accessible, there are times when you need to keep the information in them confidential.  

Now instead of converting the original PDF, deleting that information and then generating another PDF from the edited content, you can simply do it right in the interface.

Permanent PDF Redaction

The new Redaction tool can delete any sensitive page content. And much like the content selection options, Able2Extract Professional 11 allows you to selectively eliminate either lines or entire pages from your PDF documents before you send them out.

And the best part? The deleted content remains deleted.

Create Better, Richer PDF Content

Ever deal with PDF content you wish you could improve with an small image or visual? By adding eye catching elements to marketing content, learning material or company brochures you can achieve your goals more effectively.  It may sound like a tedious task, but it isn’t.

Adding Image To PDF

The new Able2Extract Professional will let you instantly add images, text or vector graphics directly into the PDF  itself. Add existing .bmp, .jpeg, .png, .gif and .tiff images right onto your PDF pages. Or select from 9 vector shapes to insert onto the displayed page:

Adding PDF Vector Shape

You can improve the content of your PDF documents on the spot through the side editing panel.

Modify Your PDF Content

Get flexible editing control over your PDF content. Able2Extract Professional 11 allows for detailed modifications with the improved PDF content editor. It lets you specify fine page content object drawing properties, such as line dash style, line cap style, line join style, and miter limit.

Refining diagrams, professional headers and text for a more polished look can be done without an external graphic design software.

PDF Text Vector Editing
You get the ability to customize your PDF text and shapes by filling them with color and even customize their outline. You can even rotate PDF text, shapes and images by 90° and 180° with the newly added “Rotate” buttons. Experience a complete content editing experience right within your PDF.

Increase Your AutoCAD Productivity

Able2Extract Professional 11 is now an even more powerful addition to AutoCAD toolboxes everywhere. Because AutoCAD PDFs contain highly advanced content, not many PDF programs can deal with them head on. Well, with this latest version you can increase your PDF-AutoCAD productivity.

Able2Extract Professioanl 11 now allows CAD professionas to convert multiple PDFs to AutoCAD through the Batch conversion feature and transfer scanned AutoCAD PDF content into other CAD applications.  The software can be integrated into your design workflow seamlessly.

Secure Important PDF Document Information  

On top of the existing security features in Able2Extract Professional you can encrypt and decrypt existing PDF documents. So if you come across a secured PDF that needs a quick tweak or has a line or two that needs to be redacted, you can make your changes, decrypt the PDF and get it sent around.

Enhanced PDF Security

Able2Extract Professional 11 allows you to set passwords and file permissions, allowing you to customize the security on existing PDF documents on the spot.

You can get Able2Extract Professional 11 and all the above features for $149.95 on the latest Windows, Mac and Linux (Fedora and Ubuntu) systems. If you still aren’t convinced, you can see a demo of latest version in action for yourself:

Download the 7 day free trial and discover just how much it’ll improve the way you work!

Get Able2Extract 10.2 with Our Software Advantage Plan

As you may know, our Software Advantage Plan (SAP) is a premium customer support subscription package that comes with a number of perks.

From front of the line service to special discounts, the program makes sure that our customers are well-taken care of and given VIP treatment.

That’s why starting today, all SAP members have exclusive access to our new special build: Able2Extract 10.2!

This build is a small taste of what to expect from our next release, letting you try out new features way ahead of everybody else. Take a quick look at what Able2Extract 10.2 can do with your PDF files.

What Can You Do In Able2Extract 10.2?

On top of the editing features you already have, Able2Extract 10.2 gives you even more ways to modify your PDF content.

Add Bitmap Images

Able2Extract 10.2 will let you insert bitmap image formats directly into your PDF document. That’s right. You can add image formats, such as BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF (only the first frame will be inserted) and TIFF (only the first page will be inserted) to your content. And it’s as simple as clicking the Add Bitmap button, browsing for your image and clicking on Open.

Adding Bitmap Images PDF

Add Vector Shapes

This latest upgrade makes it easy for you to jazz up and add finishing touches your PDF content. You get the ability to add vector graphic shapes directly to your PDF pages. Just click on the Add Shape button and Able2Extract 10.2 will provide you with a selection of shapes to choose from.

Adding Vector Graphics PDF

Customize The Appearance Of Vector Shapes And Text

Because you can now add shapes to your content and could modify your text with different color, it only makes sense to let you customize your vector shape or text.

Able2Extract 10.2  comes with Outline with Color, Fill with Color and Line Width options, giving you the ability to modify the appearance of your text or vector shapes in detail.  By selecting a custom outline color, a fill color, and increasing the line width, you can give your content a visual boost with a few clicks.


Customizing PDF Content


Customized PDF Content

Rotate Content Objects

Another editing option only available from Able2Extract 10.2 is the ability to rotate vector shapes, bitmap images and text. You can orient these content objects 90 degrees to the left or right, and even rotate them a complete 180 degrees as needed.

Convert AutoCAD Raster to Vector

And we didn’t stop at content editing. Able2Extract Professional 10.2 comes with a new Raster-to-Vector conversion engine for AutoCAD that allows you to convert scanned AutoCAD PDFs to vector drawings that can be edited.

Start taking advantage of Able2Extract 10.2. Existing members can simply log into their SAP account to access the build. And if you aren’t signed up yet, now’s the time.

Subscribe To Software Advantage Program

You can subscribe to the Software Advantage Plan online. The Software Advantage Program comes with premium support features that cover both Able2Extract Standard and Able2Extract Professional. For only $39.95 a year, you get:

  • Priority support via phone and email
  • Access to a personalized web portal
  • Free Access to all minor products updates and major upgrades
  • Exclusive access to new, unreleased product builds
  • Special volume discounts

Once we receive your order, you’re all set. You can start using your Software Advantage account immediately.

As a regular customer, you won’t be able to access any of these features until our next release. So join the program now and get in on Able2Extract 10.2!

Meet Able2Extract 10: The Next Level of Data Extraction

We’re happy to announce today that Able2Extract 10 has just been released!

Continuing from the innovation and success of the last version, Able2Extract 10 comes with a number of great features. With PDF creation and editing you wouldn’t think that it could get any more advanced than it already is.  But it has!

Able2Extract 10 Boxshot

With this latest version, we’ve pulled out all the stops. You’ll find a lot of new PDF power features that will improve your PDF productivity and business intelligence workflow by more than half.

From PDF editing to improved Excel conversion, Able2Extract 10 has all the PDF capabilities you’ll ever need to keep up with your work. Get a good look at what the new Able2Extract 10 has to offer.

Convert Any Format Directly Into Excel

We’ve always known that highly valuable information can come in any format, not just PDF. So  to prevent you from missing out on accurate data assessments, we’ve included the ability for you to convert almost any format directly to Excel!

Able2Extract PowerPoint To Excel

Extracted Data In Excel

So whether you have a table in Word or information locked away in an XPS file, you can now get that data into an Excel spreadsheet and perform your analysis on complete data sets.

Just simply open your file and select your content as usual and choose the PDF to Excel conversion command from the toolbar.

Convert To PDF CSV Instantly

For those who work closely with raw data and text formats, you’ll be happy to know that Able2Extract 10 now has the ability to convert directly to CSV and TSV from the toolbar. In a nutshell, you can now integrate Able2Extract 10 directly into the analysis stage of your workflow.

Able2Extract PDF To CSV

This is especially handy for data extractions that are used in analytical software programs on the enterprise level. You can even copy to clipboard in RTF/CSV format. Your information analysis can be done more quickly as Able2Extract eliminates the need to convert to Excel and then export to CSV. 

Split And Merge PDFs Precisely Page-By-Page

For the first time, Able2Extract now has the ability to split and merge PDF files. We’ve made the process simple by allowing you to insert and extract the PDF pages themselves.

Split And Merge PDFs

Insert PDF pages from an already existing PDF on your computer or extract PDF pages from the currently opened PDF into a separate file.  Your original source PDF isn’t modified.  This makes assembling  and breaking up PDF documents for professional or personal use simple and hassle free.

Edit PDF Text On The Spot

Able2Extract 10 will finally let you edit the text directly within the PDF document. You can delete, add, and move existing text in a WYSIWYG editor, making instant corrections to PDF text.

Editing Text In PDF

As you can see you can match the font, text colour and size directly from the side editing panel, making seamless modifications to professional documents.  To boot, your changes are immediately visible, so you can see the edited content you’re converting.  

Resize PDF Pages To Meet Any Business Standard

Because the PDF is the standard used to communicate important content with companies from different industries, following each industry’s document requirements is important. For instance, print publishers, legal proceedings or marketing departments, will need specifically sized PDF pages. And this is why we’ve provided you with the ability to select your PDF page size from the start.

Resizing Pages With Able2Extract

Whether you need legal, letter or executive sized documents, you can adjust your PDF pages as easily as you can convert them. Resize your pages to paper sizes compatible with ANSI, ISO and ARCH specifications.  You can even graphically reposition the content of your page, if needed.  

This combination of page resizing options makes  it so that your PDF can work with any type of businesses, no matter which industry standards they follow.

Convert PDF To Excel More Accurately  

For even more precise and accurate data extraction into Excel, we’ve updated the PDF to Excel conversion engine. When you convert to Excel, Able2Extract now provides you with a variety of sub options to choose from.

Able2Extract Excel Conversion Settings

When you convert a PDF table, Able2Extract will better analyze how the source document  and its tables are  structured so you get even more refined PDF to Excel conversion results than before!

Improved OCR Technology For Highly Accurate Text Renditions

With Able2Extract Professional, we’ve also improved the OCR engine, providing you with more accurate renditions of broken text when converting scanned PDFs.  Professionals who need to use legacy information trapped in hard copy can now merge that data with digital data for complete and accurate business intelligence analysis.

Given everything this latest version has, you’ll be looking at your PDF work in a different–hopefully easier, light.  

Take it for a test drive yourself. Download the free 7 day trial and get your PDF productivity going!

Investintech Says Goodbye To Able2Doc PDF to Word Converter & Sonic PDF Creator


We have some sad news for all our Investintech users. It was a hard decision, but after a lot of careful consideration, we’ve decided to discontinue both Able2Doc PDF to Word Converter and Sonic PDF Creator.

Both these products have been with us since the very early days of, and we’re sorry to see them go.  However, we believe in providing our users with products that add value to a workflow which includes being able to work with PDF documents without having to resort to more than one product.



You may have noticed that our PDF to Word conversion and PDF creation technology have already been integrated with Able2Extract PDF Converter.  Because of this, you can benefit from an even better, more enhanced user experience. PDF conversion and PDF creation are now both within a few clicks of each other.

What Does This Mean For Existing Users?

Unfortunately, because we’re phasing these products out, we will no longer be offering any customer or technical support for them. Thus, we’ll be offering a highly discounted Able2Doc upgrade to Able2Extract 9 for $29.95 USD  (to Standard version) and $49.50 USD (to Professional version).

With this discount, you’ll not only get the PDF to Word conversion and PDF creation features you’re used to, but also the added functionalities that come with Able2Extract–PDF conversion to more than 10 formats, PDF page editing, advanced PDF creation options, custom PDF to Excel conversion, and more.

We’ll be pulling out Able2Doc and Sonic every now and again for exclusive one-time giveaways. So you’ll still be able to catch the software around in the future every now and again.

To give  Able2Extract 9 a try, you can download a 7-day free trial here.