6 Use Cases Where Converting PDF to Excel Could Save You Hours

Retro alarm clock in a modern office

PDF documents are among the most widely used types of files, but they have shortcomings too. Converting a PDF to an Excel spreadsheet instead could save you time and help you avoid pitfalls that could make your productivity plummet.

Here are six ways you can keep your productivity going by performing a PDF-to-Excel conversion.

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Content Creator’s Toolbox: Top 12 MS Office Productivity Plugins

Computer Productivity

Productivity has an altogether different meaning today than it did ten years ago, let alone five. It doesn’t mean just getting things done anymore — it means being able to get more complex things done in the same amount of time. This is especially true for content creators.

If you’re a blogger, freelance writer, analyst, presenter or online marketer, then creating content in MS Office is your bread and butter. It requires meeting tight deadlines and turning over projects quickly. Productivity-wise, it means your workflow and tools have to keep up.

One problem, though. The plugins that worked before won’t work effectively now. With the complexity of digital tasks increasing, you need a better list.

That’s why we put together a super collection of 12 productivity plugins for taking your work to the next level.

Note: Using any of these plugins requires an account with MS Office and in some cases an account with the plugin’s website, as well. To install add-ins, click on My Add-ins from the Insert menu. A window will appear that will display your options. Double-clicking an add-in will open it. Or you can click on the arrow next to the button and you can pick one of your recently-used add-ins from there.

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4 Things to Consider Before Choosing a PDF Software

List of things to consider before picking a PDF solution for the Office

The day has finally come. You’ve come to terms with the fact that your office document workflow requires a complete overhaul. But how do you do it? How do you take it to the next level? Start by incorporating a professional PDF solution in your day-to-day work, obviously.

Sounds good on paper, but there is one issue. Picking any piece of software that will be vital for your business operations can be a true nightmare, let alone a PDF solution that will digitize all of your company’s paperwork and change the way you manage electronic documents.

Should you go for the cheapest or the most expensive solution or the one packed with the most features? With so many different solutions to choose from you can easily get distracted and end up with a poor choice. Let us tell you there is no right answer. To choose the perfect one, you need to know exactly what to look for in a PDF tool.

The fact that you’re reading this article means that you haven’t 100% figured that part out just yet. Don’t worry. We’re here to help. We’ve rounded up four things you should consider before taking the plunge that will, hopefully, get you closer to the decision. Let’s jump right into it.

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How To Start A Social Media Calendar For Your Business

Tips for creating a social media content calendar

If a company isn’t active on Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin does it really exist? Probably not. Joking aside, having a social media presence is of the utmost importance in today’s business world, no doubt about it.

All the major business players use various social channels to distinguish themselves from the vast amount of competition. The same goes for anyone trying to start and establish a brand, whether you want to make a living out of your hobby on YouTube or are a freelancer trying to promote your work and services on LinkedIn.

Furthermore, a properly executed social media campaign can significantly boost your business’ performance and revenue. Emphasis on the properly executed part. In order to get the results you want, you have to be creative, come up with clever social media posts and execute them in time.

Sounds good, but there’s one issue: How to keep your ideas and posts organized without losing track of everything?

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Able2Extract Keyboard Shortcuts

Essential Able2Extract keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are a great way to save valuable time and boost your workflow. Basically, shortcuts allow you to execute a specific operation with just a few strokes on the keyboard instead of using your mouse. Mastering just the right shortcuts can make a massive impact on your daily productivity and investing time into learning them is a smart move.

Able2Extract shortcuts are no exception. Yes, it’s already easy to perform most of the operations with just a few mouse drag and clicks, but there’s also a vast scope of what you can accomplish by just using keyboard shortcuts.

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