6 Use Cases Where Converting PDF to Excel Could Save You Hours

Retro alarm clock in a modern office

PDF documents are among the most widely used types of files, but they have shortcomings too. Converting a PDF to an Excel spreadsheet instead could save you time and help you avoid pitfalls that could make your productivity plummet.

Here are six ways you can keep your productivity going by performing a PDF-to-Excel conversion.

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How To Save Microsoft Excel Chart (or Charts) to PDF

How to save Excel graph to PDF

Being in the PDF software business for almost two decades now, we’ve learned a thing or two about potential digital document problems. One of them is a selective conversion: a situation when users would like to extract just a part of the content from the document they’re working on.

With Able2Extract PDF converter, the process of selecting an Area for conversion is dead simple – just click the button and drag around the desired content to make a selection. Then, you can choose between over a dozen of file formats to convert PDF to.

But, what if the problem is the other way around? What if you need to export just a part of the Microsoft Office Excel document to PDF? And more specifically, what if that piece of content is a chart (or charts) surrounded by data, for example?

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How To Clean Up Large PDF Datasets

Analyzing Data For Investigative Reporting

For big data analysts, working with clean data is a must. The major hurdle, though, is actually cleaning that data. Right now, analysts are spending more than half of their time cleaning up unstructured datasets. And if you aren’t an advanced expert with cleaning datasets, just knowing some basic data cleaning tasks becomes even more crucial.

Datasets can represent a large variety of information. From government and healthcare data to demographic and financial numbers, datasets come from all different areas. They also come in all different forms, like the PDF format. Getting it into a form you can manipulate is your first goal– and your biggest challenge.

The PDF format isn’t easily editable. In addition, it may contain hundreds of pages, consist of tables that span the entire file, be scanned in from a hard copy document, be created from an Excel spreadsheet, or be protected against copying and pasting.

You need to be able to analyze that locked down data. But how do you get started?

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7 Ideal Jobs For Excel Users

Working With Excel

Microsoft Excel is a common application. You may have used it on the job or for school, but chances are that you only used it for its most basic uses.

However, Excel skills are more important than ever. And those who know how to tap into Excel are in a better position to find a better paying job. Even simply knowing how to convert PDF to Excel can increase your chances.

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